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Synerall successful and trustworthy company

Synerall is a certified as a successful and trustworthy company in Finland and Estonia

For very good financial performance and payment discipline, Synerall was awarded the Strongest in Finland AA certificate, and Strongest in Estonia certificate. These certificates prove that Synerall is a recognized and reliable partner in all areas where they are operating. The certificate, based on Suomen Asiakastieto’s Rating Alfa, certifies to customers, partners, and other stakeholders that cooperation with Synerall is built on a sustainable basis.

Synerall Finland Oy received AA credit rating from Suomen Asiakastieto Oy and Estonian based AS Synerall received the same AA credit rating from international credit risk management company Creditinfo. Only 6.9% of Estonian companies achieved the same rating.

The certificates prove that Synerall is empowering the economy now and in the future. At the same time, Synerall’s customers and partners are assured that their cooperation with Synerall is built on a reliable and trustworthy basis. The added value that Synerall’s services bring to the customers directly benefits their business and improves their competitive position in rapidly changing markets. This also has a wider effect contributing to the growth of the economy.

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