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Panic Turned to Relief – Anticipation Paid Off in the Lump-Sum Compensation Effort

One-time compensation was a nightmare for many electricity companies – Synerall's customers got through the task effortlessly

Consumers’ compensations caused a redemption ruckus for the electricity companies, which many still remember with mixed feelings of dread. Synerall’s prompt action ensured that its customers got through it easily and at reasonable costs.

Electricity companies were wiping cold sweat off their necks when the government sealed the decision on consumer electricity compensations in January 2023.

“It's no exaggeration to say that many were in panic. No one had systems for calculating and paying one-time compensations”

The first rumors of compensations to consumers had reached Salo’s ears already in the autumn of the previous year. By December, the implementation of compensations seemed likely. Synerall followed the situation incessantly.

“Every morning we read the pages of the Parliament and the Ministry of Finance. Eventually, the political pressure grew so big that the plan’s implementation seemed inevitable.”

Before the Christmas holidays, Synerall sent a notice to its customers, informing them about the upcoming legal changes and compensation ruckus. In early January, the company organized a discussion event to go through the situation together with its customers. Everyone agreed that it was worthwhile to start the preparations.

Waiting was an expensive and fatal mistake

When the legislative preparation started in January, the Ministry of Employment and the Economy and the Ministry of Finance consulted energy sector experts. Synerall was also invited for consultation. The company has previously participated in legislative preparation work and is also involved in the Datahub development group. “We focused on what the legal change means for the system provider calculating the compensations. We also assessed the costs of system changes – as the state would not compensate them.”

As spring progressed, it was clear that being proactive and anticipatory was rewarding. Many others missed the train – with quite costly consequences. The system change required for the compensations was massive, and not everyone managed to do it.

Many energy companies ended up buying the modification work from consultants as an expensive Excel job. In the final stages, six energy companies had to apply for extra time from the Energy Authority to pay the electricity compensations. Synerall handled the changes turnkey and at relatively moderate costs.

“The customers' task was only testing: they checked with spot checks that the system calculated the compensations correctly”

Not a single compensation was delayed

According to Salo, Synerall's customers were very satisfied with the process and the outcome. Praise has been received for active communication, bold anticipation, and participation in legislative preparation work.

“I am especially proud and happy that our system calculated the compensations correctly at once. The payment regulations were complex, so some energy companies had to correct erroneous calculations and pay compensations afterwards.”

The schedules held, and the end customers got their money in time. Synerall also created a system, on a turnkey basis, for its customers to apply for compensations from the state for the compensations they paid.

“Of course, there's no escaping that a significant burden was left on the energy companies. The price tag for implementing the compensations was millions of euros.”

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